Our Advantage
Launching in to a new building project brings with it an ongoing process of decision making. However, when you choose a steel building, many of those decisions are already answered. The advantages of the Gear Steel Building system means many of the boxes are already ticked.
Gear Steel Buildings have a unique and innovative structurally engineered flooring system allowing us to minimise the number of piles required for the building. A traditional 100 m2 timber build house would require in the vicinity of 50-60 piles whereas the equivalent sized steel frame home or building built by Gear Steel Buildings, requires only eight piles. Why is this good news? Because it translates directly to reduced costs for you!
Sometimes your site limits the type of building you are able to construct. Because our steel buildings require less piles, those that are used can be of any length - meaning the site selection is not restricted to flat sites but can be used on slopes or over existing structures. Our steel buildings may be set higher on longer and far fewer piles which allows continued unrestricted access to underground services, which can facilitate a smoother building process.
The modular nature and design of our steel buildings means that transportable buildings and steel frame homes can be erected in as little as four to six weeks. This translates into significant cost savings for you! Steel buildings require less scaffolding, less man-hours, they are not weather dependent and there is less waste.
Here’s why we are able to construct such formidably strong steel buildings in such an impressive time:
- Steel building components including steel framing are manufactured to consistent quality and exacting tolerances, to precise and uniform shapes.
- There is no real need for ‘culling’ or inspecting steel framing and steel components for crowns or twists. Metal studs start out straight and stay that way without warping, bowing, twisting, splitting, shrinking and popping knots.
- The construction process may be outsourced with relative ease to multiple engineering firms and builders, meaning a large number of modules may be built at the same time.
- All Gear Steel Building dwellings are NZ building code compliant.
- Rubber mounts between the flooring system and the piles allows the building to maintain some flexibility – an important feature of steel frame homes should further aftershocks continue.
- Regardless of weather conditions the building construction process can continue, a key element in giving certainty on delivery times.
- All Gear Steel Building dwellings are built to be durable. The internal wall and ceiling linings are constructed using Melteca and aluminium cladding (available in 10 different colours) is used on the external walls. These walls do not need drying time in order to proceed further with the building process.
- Best of all these transportable buildings are attractive and desirable. The quality and style of the finished units are such that in some cases, where people have originally built a steel frame home with the idea of temporary accommodation, they in fact elect to incorporate the steel building into the planning of their future home.
NZ patent Nos. 591121 & 597516, and PCT Application No. 20012/000015. (c) Copyright Gear Steel Buildings Limited. Gear Steel Buildings, the Fern logo and CURVE device are trade marks owned by Gear Steel buildings Limited. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 2011 - 2025 Gear Steel Buildings. All rights reserved.
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